Mary E. Dixon, Ph.D., noted Astrologer, Columnist and Teacher became involved in the study and practice of Astrology in her twenties when she was first introduced to the field of Metaphysics and Eastern thought.
"I found the whole spectrum of these philosophies both
fascinating and familiar. Most importantly they validated
my personal life experiences of clairvoyance and vision
which had not been accepted in my traditional upbringing.
My study and observation of the planets and their influences
as well as the study and observation of my own life
became my life work."
Mary Dixon's Astrology teachers include the Rt. Rev. L.P. Wadle who taught the higher or spiritual principles of the planets as well as their influence in everyday life. She received further philosophic education during her many trips to India. She began her own practice which included individual readings and teaching private classes in the late seventies. Her first Astrology Column appeared in 1977 and she continues to write for various newspapers and magazines today.
Dr. Dixon received her English/Education degree and began teaching literature, grammar and mythology at the High School level. She gave a seminar on the principles of Astrology as part of the Mythology studies at the University of Long Beach, California and used it as part of her curriculum for senior High School Students.
"Unfortunately, at the time I started teaching High School, drugs
were becoming a way of life on campuses and I determined
that a better service to the children and to others would be
to go into some form of counseling."
While continuing her work in Astrology, Mary Dixon returned to school and received her Master's Degree in Psychology at which time she began work as a Drug/Alcohol counselor for Ventura County. She later received her Doctorate in Counseling Psychology.
"Astrology was a vast and helpful influence in all of my work.
I taught at a private University throughout the seventies and
eighties at which time I was certified by the state to teach
Astrology at that level. It gave me insight into my students
and clients so that I could help them according to their own
personalities and issues. I also used Astrology as a factor
in counseling addicts to help me help them. I found Astrology
to be a must in relationship counseling."
Dr. Dixon says that, for the individual, Astrology offers a mirror for an in-depth understanding of ourselves, at all levels. She invites you to learn more about yourself and your destiny through Astrology. She offers
ten categories of readings to suit individual needs. All of her readings are based on each individual's personal birth date and time and are not computer generated.